Hello all,
Firstly, we would like to say a massive thank you to all of our clients who have continued to support us at this rather strange time. Due to the push towards working from home we have been feeling some pressure due to cancellations and we are extremely grateful to those who have spared a thought for our business and continued as usual. We appreciate everyone who is supporting us, and if anyone has a dog they’d like to be walked and entertained while you’re working from home then give us a shout. We totally understand that people will need to cancel regular walks due to the current situation and it's knock on effects such as reduced work hours etc. As always, if possible please don't wait until the morning of the walk to let me know so we have time to plan the walks in advance.
I am regularly checking in with local councils regarding closures to public areas. We are also monitoring updates from the government and will of course follow their guidelines regarding whether we should continue to operate. Until that decision is made we will continue with the dog walking service while observing additional health and safety practices.
What we will be doing to prevent spread of Covid-19:
Between each pick up and drop off the dog walkers will clean their hands.
After each walk we will be washing our hands thoroughly.
We will maintain a distance of 2 meters distance from people.
If you are working from home we would appreciate your understanding and assistance with this.
If you are self isolating due to symptoms or possible exposure to Coronavirus then please let me know so we can assess the risk and discuss our options.
We are hoping to pull through this unprecedented time together. Stay safe.
From the Pet Butler team.